Monday, March 24, 2014

Spanish Renaissance

The Spanish design period was happening at a time where there were Christian Spain and Moorish influences on architecture and interior design.

The Alhambra was the last palace completed before the final explosion of the Moors in 1607.
The Alhambra, like most Spanish architecture, had a simple and plain exterior. But the interior was elaborate with different features like gardens, reflective pools, the Court of Lions and the Court of Pools.

This design period also was known for their castles! These castles were built and lived in by the noble Christian families. The style of these castles depended on the region of Spain 

The largest cathedral of the 15th century was also based in this time period. It was the Cathedral of Seville.

Here are current applications of Spanish Renaissance Design....

I reviewed Sammy's Blog. From her blog I learned that the Spanish renaissance was the "revival of the Greek's and Roman's designs", and also, that the castles were the important barrier between the rich and the poor.

I also reviewed Melanie's Blog. From her blog, I learned about the two phases of this design period. She did a really good job of discussing and reviewing the Plateresco and Desornamentado phases.

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