Monday, January 27, 2014

Ancient Civilization

We start to see the beginning of larger towns and cities appear in Egypt, where shelters/homes were secured and civilizations weren't mobile and following a food source around. The hot climate, minimal rainfall, and intense sunlight in Egypt really benefitted us when looking for clues about the lives that they lived.
When thinking about the history of interior design, I never thought to learn about ancient civilizations like Egypt. I was very wrong though, because as I am learning more an more about ancient Egypt. Interior design actually began with different influences from this time period.
Egypt had limited materials to use when building and creating homes, monuments, temples, and pyramids. The materials they had were mud, bricks, stones, and timber (which they had imported from Lebanon). The amazing thing is what the Egyptians were able to create with these supplies.

The ornamentation in the buildings are what makes these legendary and inspirational interiors. The walls and the floors were made from mud plaster or bricks, but the Egyptians added color, pattern, and fresco (paintings on the wet plaster) to make the interiors intricate and unique. The paintings on the walls and floors weren't the 

These two pictures are examples of the intricate designs of the interiors of Egyptian palace...

This picture is an example of the paintings on the interior walls...


The next two photos are current applications of ancient civilization design...

I looked at Ali's blog for Ancient Egypt Civilizations. I really really love how she laid out her blog, and I think she did a great job of summarizing what was learned in class. One thing on her blog that really caught my attention is when she mentioned that all the  art, "designs", and interiors from this time period are highly ornamented and incredibly detailed and that is something that isn't common in design today.

II also looked at Ariana's blog and I loved the layout of her blog as well, and in her blog she pointed out that the Egyptians incorporated natural elements into their designs which is a really well made point. It is more than the materials, its the actual design, the motifs, the curvature of the furniture, and even the painting and murals on the walls, ceiling, and floor.

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