Friday, January 31, 2014

Early Christian

Early Christianity began with the death of Jesus, and Christianity was frowned upon and Christians were prosecuted. Constantine legalized Christianity with the Edict of Milan and this completely altered this time period. New facilities were needed for a large population of people to gather for worship. The architecture from this time period was centrally planned, had clerestory windows, and the main goal was to glorify God.

St. Peter's Cathedral is the chief monument of Christianity and stood 700 feet tall.
(pictured below)

The next two pictures are current applications of the Early Christian time period... 

I looked at Hannah's blog and it was beautifully done. Her blog is filled with pictures and organization and knowledge. You can really tell that she put in the extra effort in her blog, everything is well thought-out and thoroughly explained.

I looked at a few different blogs but not everyone has posted about Early Christianity yet. So I will reflect on other's blogs in later chapters.

1 comment:

  1. Great job with the description on the describing the struggles of Christianity.
